Board of Directors Approved 12/02/04
November 18, 2004

Present:  Frisbie, Wilson, Passalacqua, Bardizbanian, King, French, Young, Justus, Capozzo, Sottana
Newly Elected: Hotaling, Williams, Machado
Excused:  Debbie Steiner, Marcia Hughes, Jerry Sullivan
Guests:  Membership Committee Chairman, Dave Layton; committee member, Bill Meyers; DVD Director, Ron Armstrong
   Finance Committee: John Sconza
DVD Presentation - Layton, Meyers, Armstrong
Membership committee representatives Layton and Meyers presented the completed DVD production to the Board of Directors for recommendations and approval.  The Board was very pleased with the DVD "Welcome to Green Valley Country Club."  The Board would like the comment of silverware and bone china to be removed from the final version.  This is a minor change and can be easily corrected.
Board of Director Minutes of October 7, 2004
Bardizbanian motioned to approve, King seconded.  The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
There is a concern of an operational deficit at the end of 2004.   The shortfall is due to the lack of outside sales.  Costs will be increased for 2005.  The Board is also requesting an expanded financial report in 2005.  Information for the report will be discussed at a later time.
2005 Operational Budget
The Board reviewed the $17.00 increase recommendation from the Finance Committee.  Due to  2005 deficit concerns, there were discussions to further increase the Operational dues, various incentives to increase revenue, to keep a close watch on costs and to have the finance committee report quarterly to the Board.
Wilson motioned to increase the recommendation for the 2005 Operational dues to $338.00 per month per proprietary membership.  This is a $23.00 increase.  Passalacqua seconded, the motion carried (4 yes / 3 no).
2005 Capital Improvement Fund (C.I.F.)
The original request for funds was $532,970.  The Finance Committee recommends $259,170.  The number of transfers required at $12,500 to cover the recommendation is 21.
Bardizbanian motioned to approve the Finance Committee's recommendation, French seconded.  Young amended the motion to reinstate $35,000 for a retaining wall at #2 due to safety concerns after rebuilding #1. The amended motion failed for lack of a second.  The original motion carried unanimously.
Green: Sod is being placed at #7,8,9 and the bunkers on #1,8,12 will be completed by December 2004.  An agreement has been made with the Solano Irrigation District.  The written agreement is anticipated in approximately one week.
Golf: The GVWG letter has been resolved between the ladies and the golf professional.  The golf professional submitted his 2005 tournament schedule and the 2005 Club tournament schedule for approval.  Wilson motioned to approve both schedules, Passalacqua seconded.  The motion carried.
Membership: The Membership Committee is requesting to remove the three lowest selling prices posted on the Club's website.  They would like the web page to say "contact the business office for pricing information."
The Committee further requests that pricing not be discussed over the phone.  An appointment would be required to discuss pricing at an initial interview.  The Board stated the three lowest prices listed are to be in the "members only" section of the website.  They declined the request for an appointment to discuss pricing.  Pricing can be discussed by phone.
On behalf of the membership committee, Capozzo requested that the funds for the Sweetheart's Ball not be charged to the membership committee budget.  The Board declined the request.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Jane & Neil Sullivan.  Bardizbanian motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded.  The motion carried.  The Board took note of two Notices To Sell and one notice to reduce the selling price of a membership.  The notices will be effective Friday, November 19, 2004.
International Buffet: Two letters were sent to the Board of Directors regarding the buffet.  One letter expressed disappointment with the buffet, the second letter gave outstanding compliments.  The Board appreciates membership input.
House Guest Privileges: A member requested approval for golf privileges over the limited number a guest may play each month under GVCC's normal policy.  The Board declined the request.  The policy will not be waived.  The guest may play as often as he likes during his stay but must pay the green fees after the guests passes have been used.
Election of 2005 Officers
Motion   Nominees  Title   Elected
King/Passalacqua  Gary French  President  Gary French
Bardizbanian/Young  Bob Machado  Vice President
King/Passalacqua  Don Young  Vice President Don Young
French/Justus   Jeff Wilson  Secretary  Jeff Wilson
Bardizbanian/Passalacqua Bob Machado  Secretary  
Young/Wilson  Nadine Hotaling Treasurer  Nadine Hotaling
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary